Each passing day makes this journey more real. Wednesday Gary from Avivara sent us our itinerary for the first several days of our stay. We know where we'll be staying, that our first day will be spent strolling the streets of Antigua getting acclimated. We even have cell phones - one thing I certainly missed in Honduras. Then on Thursday Fr. Tom invited the community to offer a pilgrim's blessing over us. A most moving moment and a reminder to allow the Spirit to do her work. Next I heard from Cathy, the one who inspired this journey many years ago, offering to pick up suitcases of the medical supplies we'll carry with us. Once we arrive, these items will be taken to clinics. I'm hoping we can participate in the deliveries.
My heart warms each time I visit this page or receive an email offering us blessings and good luck. Thank you, And it will be fun sharing our adventure with you.
Safe travels Pat and Caroline! You will both be in my prayers.